How to cancel your subscription
You can cancel your subscription at any time, and it will continue until the end of the period. This means you will not receive a refund between the cancellation day and the end date of your subscription.
If you subscribed through the Skippos app, visit the app and go to My Skippo and click on the gear icon in the upper right corner. Then go to “Manage Subscriptions” to cancel.
If you subscribed on the web, visit, log in, and click on your profile picture in the upper right corner. Then go to “My Subscriptions” and select “Manage” to cancel. A new window will open, select “End Plan” in the upper right corner. Then click the yellow button “Cancel Plan”. Your subscription is now canceled.
When you want to restart the subscription, log in on the same page, choose which subscription you want to reactivate, and click "Activate".
Hamnen Plus
To cancel your Hamnen Plus subscription, contact our support.
Choose the category 'Cancellation' and specify that you want to cancel Hamnen Plus, including the email linked to your Hamnen Plus payment in the description.
If you are unsure which email is linked to your payment, provide the support team with as many details as possible about your payment so we can assist you more efficiently. Please attach a digital receipt from the most recent billing period.
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