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Subscription and Payment

How to cancel your subscription

To cancel your subscription to Skippo, follow the instructions below based on your operating system:

For iOS users (Apple):

  1. Open Settings on your iOS device.
  2. Tap your name at the top to access your Apple ID.
  3. Select "Subscriptions" to see a list of your active subscriptions.
  4. Find the Skippo Pro subscription in the list.
  5. Tap on the Skippo Pro subscription and then select "Cancel Subscription".
  6. Follow any additional instructions to confirm the cancellation of your subscription.
  7. By following these steps, your Skippo Pro subscription will be cancelled, and you will not be charged for the next billing cycle.

For Android users (e.g., Samsung):

  1. Open the Google Play Store app on your Android device.
  2. Tap the profile icon in the top right corner.
  3. Select "Payments and subscriptions" from the menu.
  4. Tap on "Subscriptions" to see a list of your active subscriptions.
  5. Find the Skippo app's subscription in the list.
  6. Tap on the Skippo subscription and then on "Cancel Subscription".
  7. Follow the instructions to complete the cancellation of your subscription.

After cancelling your subscription, your account will revert to Skippo's free version at the end of your current billing period, and you will not be further charged.

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